The Isabela State University (ISU) and National Irrigation Administration – MARIIS Dam and Reservoir Division (NIA-MARIIS DRD) worked in partnership with the Japanese experts to strengthen their knowledge and technology-transfer practices on integrated water resources management (IWRM) through a field tour and site visit in Magat Dam on November 5, 2022. Initially, Dr. Orlando F. Balderama, the Project Leader of IFWARM and Vice President for Research and Development, Extension and Training, convened with Dr. Khagendra Pralhad Bharambe and Ms. Hikaru Goto, international partners from the Disaster Prevention Research Institute in Kyoto University (DPRI-KU), Japan, together with the NIA personnel led by Engr. Edwin Viernes. They deliberated on plans for reservoir and dam management, and discussed issues on siltation and sedimentation management through dredging activities and construction of Sabo dams.

As a jump-start of the schedule of activities set for today, Engr. Czarimah Singson introduced the ISU project staff, while Engr. Viernes presented the NIA personnel who would assist in the field tour and site visit. The resource speakers, Dr. Bharambe and Ms. Goto, also acquainted themselves to the attendees by highlighting their professional experiences and studies on Magat Dam. An audio-video presentation was also played to present information and features of the Magat Dam, as well as the legal basis of its construction and functions, management’s continuous efforts to upgrade its flood forecasting and early warning system, and protocols of dam discharge operations.

Dr. Bharambe then explicated the topic “Spatio-Temporal Impacts of Climate Change over the Cagayan River Basin, Philippines”.  Specifically, he elucidated on climate change impacts on agriculture and economy and projected changes in global and the Philippines’ average temperature by 21st century. Likewise, he also presented their project on “Estimation of Extreme Climate Events and Drought Risk over Cagayan River Basin” with regard to its key issues and objectives, research approach and methodology, flowchart for agricultural drought risk assessment and mapping, and analysis and discussion of climate change impacts on extreme climate events. Since Philippines-Japan collaboration on R&D studies continuously prospers, a survey questionnaire for the joint project titled “Flood Mitigation and Risk Communication under Successive Typhoons at Cagayan River Basin in the Philippines” were also administered to and answered by the NIA personnel.

Moreover, Ms. Hikaru Goto also shared her study on “Flood Risk Mitigation Measures in Cagayan River Basin Based on Magat Dam Flood Management”. She stressed the need for improvement measures to counteract the effects of Magat Dam sedimentation and upgrade operation rules. In fact, her study supported the construction of flood storage dams in the tributary basins which was a point of discussion during the special meeting of Technical Working Group of Cagayan River Basin on November 4, 2022.

After their presentations, the practices on the application of empirical data in improving NIA’s operations vis-à-vis water control and advisory to farmers and communities downstream were deliberated through a short question-and-answer phase. Likewise, Dr. Bharambe emphasized the need to determine areas at high risk for flood and drought for appropriate water resources management.

After the short program, the ISU-NIA-Japan Team now ventured the facilities and stations of NIA-MARIIS DRD. They visited the NIA-DRD Forecasting Center and its main office, Carlos S. Salazar Viewdeck, tributaries of the river, and the downstream sites particularly the MARIIS Dam. Likewise, they also went to see the sediment catchment structure (Sabo dams) of the Magat Dam, and to the station where the turbidity meters – a tangible outcome of technology transfer between Japan and Philippines – were installed.

To this end, the Japanese partners, through their itinerary in various dam sites, were able to gain profound insights on dam facilities and operations which entail upgrading for a better management of water resources. Hence, this field tour serves as a gateway to more knowledge and technology transfer activities between Japan and the Philippines to promote effective IWRM practices in the global arena.